FM-Eco4 light T is a tracking device without an internal battery and with regular housing, small size and internal antennas.
FM-Eco4 light+ T is a tracking device (2G/3G) with regular housing, small size and internal battery, antennas.
FM-Eco4+ T is a tracking device (2G/3G) with rugged IP67 certified housing that can be installed outside the cabin and successfully resist environmental factors such as water and dirt.
FM-Eco4+ E T is a tracking device (2G/3G) with rugged IP67 certified housing and an external antenna, which allows the device to be installed in areas that are hard to find and access.
- 2G supported connectivity
- Power supply range 6 ÷ 31.5 V DC
- Internal battery: LiPo 3.7 V 190 mAh
- u-blox GNSS module Internal or external antenna
- Sleep mode and deep sleep mode
- 4 x Digital inputs
- 2 x Analog inputs
- 2 x Digital outputs
- 1-Wire interface
- Accelerometer: Built-in 3-axis
- Mini USB interface with 3 LED indication lights
- IP67 certified housing
- Fuel monitoring
- Driver behavior monitoring
- Safety & security
- Fleet management
- Logistics
- Automotive OEM
- Trailer tracking
- Rental and leasing
- Corporate fleets
FM-Eco4 light+ T is a tracking device (2G) with regular housing, small size and internal battery, antennas.
FM-Eco4+ E T is a tracking device (2G) with rugged IP67 certified housing and an external antenna, which allows the device to be installed in areas that are hard to find and access.